• Kpae Gbenemene


This work examined how separatist movements occasioned conflicts and their attendant security challenges in Nigeria, especially in the South East. The theoretical framework adopted for this study is the social identity theory. The study adopted qualitative research. The sources of data were secondary sources and the method of data analysis was content analysis. The study found hat the factors that occasioned separatist agitations for self- determination in Nigeria and South East in particular are; poor governance, ostracism, religion, ethnicity, banditry and terrorism, political and economic marginalization etc. The study also found that agitations for self- determination by separatist movements in the South East have caused serious security challenges in the region. There have been serious clashes between security personnel and groups affiliated to Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB). More than that groups such as unknown gun men and the Eastern Security Network have in numerous instances burnt down police stations and killed numerous security personnel (mostly police men) in the region. Furthermore, they have destroyed and burnt down numerous government facilities and inflicted harm on innocent citizens who fail to comply with their sit at home order. From the findings of the study, the study recommended that the root causes of the problem as highlighted in the work should be addressed. When this is done, security challenges confronting the region would be resolved.
How to Cite
GBENEMENE, Kpae. SEPARATIST MOVEMENTS, CONFLICTS AND INSECURITY IN SOUTH EAST NIGERIA. GOUNI Journal of Management and Social Sciences, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 1, p. 26-34, mar. 2022. ISSN 2550-7265. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 19 feb. 2025.

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